Questo sito usa i cookie per fornirti un'esperienza migliore. Se usi questo sito acconsenti all'utilizzo dei cookie.

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Sono molti gli eventi gestibili dal PX di Facebook.
- ViewContent (When a key page is viewed such as a product page, e.g. landing on a product detail page)
- Search
- AddToCart
- AddToWishlist
- InitiateCheckout (When a person enters the checkout flow prior to completing the checkout flow, e.g. click on checkout button)
- AddPaymentInfo (When a payment information is added in the checkout flow, e.g. click / LP on save billing info button)
- Purchase
- Lead (When a sign up is completed, e.g. click on pricing, signup for trial)
- CompleteRegistration

Li vogliamo gestire tutti?
Sono molti gli eventi gestibili dal PX di Facebook.
- ViewContent (When a key page is viewed such as a product page, e.g. landing on a product detail page)
- Search
- AddToCart
- AddToWishlist
- InitiateCheckout (When a person enters the checkout flow prior to completing the checkout flow, e.g. click on checkout button)
- AddPaymentInfo (When a payment information is added in the checkout flow, e.g. click / LP on save billing info button)
- Purchase
- Lead (When a sign up is completed, e.g. click on pricing, signup for trial)
- CompleteRegistration

Li vogliamo gestire tutti?
  • Alt Risco
  • Alt Support
  • Alt pianoforte
  • Alt alberi